7 Types of B2B Interactive Content to Grow Your Strategy (With Examples)

Use Ebooks, infographics, quizzes and more to make your B2B interactive content more engaging.
Sarah Collins
by Sarah Collins

Ready to revolutionize your marketing game? Power up your B2B interactive content, the latest and greatest weapon in your marketing arsenal. Gone are the days of static blog posts and whitepapers, it’s time to up your game and turn your audience into active participants that keep them coming back for more. 

B2B interactive content is immersive, interactive media that can be clicked, explored, and personalized. It creates a connection between the user and the brand, fostering engagement and generating positive results. Think virtual tours, interactive webinars, quizzes, and interactive infographics — it’s a vibrant and engaging addition to your B2B marketing strategy

Although interactivity enhances your content, it must, above all, be informative. For every piece of content, ask yourself whether it’s providing valuable information or analysis to potential customers. It’s essential to offer something of genuine value.

This guide will help you kickstart your interactive content journey. We’ll cover the basics, and run through the top B2B interactive content examples to inspire you to up your marketing game. 

Let’s dive in!

Bonus: Check out these innovative B2B Content Marketing Ideas to create a memorable campaign.

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7 Types of B2B interactive content to level up your content marketing game

Let’s now look at the seven types of B2B interactive content that you’ll need to include in your content marketing game if you want to see the best results possible. 

1. eBooks and guides

Interactive eBooks and guides are essentially an enhanced version of the paper copy. They contain clickable links that optimize the reading experience, adding to the potential for learning and exploring the topic. There’s a long list of features included in interactive eBooks and guides, for example: 

  • Audio narration 
  • Text highlighting
  • Videos
  • Charts
  • Maps
  • Hyperlinked endnotes 
  • Additional resources 

Example: Skale

Skale’s downloadable guide to Link Building Tactics allows prospects to gain valuable information for free. It’s easy, it’s quick, and it means that satisfied users are more likely to return. 

SaaS Link Building Tactics Ebook


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2. Trackers & calculators

Interactive calculators can be an invaluable tool for your target audiences, helping them determine useful information such as processing speed, cost of pricing options, or even potential ROI. It gives instant results, it’s personalized, and it offers your prospect a service—for free! 

Example: Hubspot 

A top example of a B2B calculator is HubSpot’s version. Describing itself as a go-to “data-driven advertising budget planner,” it appeals to B2B companies as its personalized results can help them answer questions like whether advertisements are worth the money. Using metrics such as target conversion rate, expected CPC, projected monthly budget, and more, this calculator builds loyalty among users who gain valuable insights from it.


3. Quizzes and assessments 

Whether you’re aiming to infuse your B2B marketing strategy with fun and entertainment or looking for a serious way to engage and inform your audience, quizzes showcase some of the top benefits of B2B interactive media. The B2B buying process being longer than B2C, quizzes can help decision-makers feel more confident about their decisions—and your brand. Quizzes should be short and quick, providing a clear and actionable answer. 

Example: Paychex

Paychex, which provides payroll and HR solutions, offers several top-quality interactive quizzes to help prospects identify pain points. With question titles such as “How do your hiring and retention practices rate? Take our quick assessment to learn what works and where you can improve,” these seem like attractive resources to businesses looking to up their recruitment game. You can be sure that, whatever the quiz results, Paychex will offer to help optimize your strategy. 

Paychex Long Quiz Template Landing Page


4. Virtual tours and product demos 

Virtual tours and product demos permit your audience to fully immerse themselves in an experience that best showcases your product. You can offer virtual tours with interactive features that allow prospects to explore your offerings from the comfort of their screens, in their own time. 

Example: Citrix 

Citrix, a workspace software business, demonstrates how to use an interactive tour to show, not just tell prospects the value of your product. The Citrix product tour encourages users to become more familiar with their service, with interactive buttons, pop-up windows, and detailed labels. It’s educational: users will learn how machine learning assesses user behavior to detect and resolve security threats. It’s a step-by-step guide to leading prospects further along the buying journey. 

Citrix Demo Landing Page


5. Webinars and live chats 

Interactive webinars are an increasingly popular example of B2B interactive marketing: prospects can participate, ask questions, provide feedback, and engage with industry experts in real-time in a two-way communication channel. B2B webinars need to be unique, in-depth, and targeted, addressing specific points rather than broader topics. 

 Webinars are usually associated with the top-of-the-funnel marketing stage, but interactive content means they can be tailored to prospects at any stage. They’re a highly effective lead generation tool, and even more effective when adjusted to match the buying stage: 

  • Early stage: webinars should be educational, addressing common pain points
  • Mid stage: webinars can focus on providing solutions to hot-button issues 
  • Late stage: the opportunity to expand on key product features and case studies, directly answering specific questions and engaging individually with the participants. 

Example: SEMRush 

SEMrush, a highly popular SEO tool, uses an original approach to create interactive content. They offer live audits in webinar format: companies can nominate their website for the chance to be drawn, and then SEO experts will conduct a live audit (for free!) of the selected websites. Informative, engaging, and personal, this is a prime example of leveraging B2B interactive content to convert leads into paying customers. 

Semrush Webinars Landing Page


6. Interactive infographics 

Infographics are becoming more and more central to marketing strategies across all industries. They’re visually appealing, add color to any website or social media page, and make complex information easy to read and digest. They’re highly effective tools for boosting brand awareness and demand generation and educating your target audience. 

Interactive infographics take it one step further. From simple modifications, such as hovering over elements to reveal additional information, to more complex ones, like a real-time, AI-driven Q&A feature, they encourage people to further explore your content.

Example: Kapost 

Kapost is a brilliant example of harnessing the power of interactive infographics. They use an informative, visually-appealing timeline of marketing technologies while persuading a user why it’s essential to have a concrete understanding of where to invest their marketing budget, which (you guessed it!) leads straight to their eBook. Genius. You’ll also notice in the screenshot that their ‘Request a demo’ and interactive chatbot are never too far away. 

Upland eBook Landing Page


7. Gamification

Games are great. They offer an unparalleled level of engagement and can combine education with entertainment. Developing them means that they’re definitely on the pricier end of the scale, but there’s a very high potential ROI, helping you meet multiple goals with one piece of marketing content. From simulator games to loyalty programs and contests, it’s a surefire way to convert prospects. 

“With gamification marketing, B2B leaders can use and gamify their digital assets to share their expertise and insights on emerging industry trends through crossword puzzles, video quizzes, trivia games, personality tests, etc. Giant tech companies like IBM, Apple, and Microsoft deploy their gamification thought leadership content, successfully attracting millions of B2B prospects and clients worldwide.”

Simon Bacher, CEO and Co-founder Ling App

Example: LinkedIn 

Visuals or gimmicks that provide even a small degree of user satisfaction can make all the difference. LinkedIn’s profile strength indicator offers an instant reward to members sharing more and more personal information, relying on the user’s desire to meet the goal of 100% completion. It’s a much more effective strategy than explicitly asking for personal information and instead turns this exchange into an engaging interaction. 

LinkedIn Profile Strength Indicator


Is interactive B2B content marketing effective?

Simply put, yes. Let’s justify our answer with a breakdown of the reasons why B2B content marketing will bring tangible results to your business. 

Bonus Read: Check out these B2B Content Marketing Metrics.

Benefit 1: Higher customer engagement and conversion rate

Content with interactive elements generates almost twice as many conversions as passive content. By encouraging participation and interaction, you create a more memorable and immersive experience for decision-makers. Increasing engagement often leads to more time on your website or landing page, boosting the chances of conversion. 

Benefit 2: Increased brand loyalty

When you provide content of value, you create a stronger emotional connection with your audience. By offering content that is not just informative but also fun and interactive, you start building a loyal customer base, which drives both sales and customer retention. Over 84% of B2B buyers say they’re much more likely to choose vendors who prove they clearly understand the buyer’s needs and objectives—which is why your informative content is worth its weight in gold. 

Benefit 3: Additional data for enhanced customer personas & journey mapping

With more interactions comes more usable data to help you understand your target audience. This data can be used to refine and enhance your target audience, enabling you to create more effective marketing campaigns. Additionally, the insights you gain from interactive content interactions can help you map out the buyer’s journey more accurately, identifying touchpoints and areas where you can further optimize your marketing efforts. 

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How can you use B2B interactive content marketing?

You can start incorporating interactive content into your B2B marketing strategy today, by following these simple steps: 

  1. Identify your goals: what do you want to achieve with interactive content? Are you looking to increase conversions, drive engagement, or gather more extensive data for persona development? 
  2. Understand your audience: conduct research using polls or surveys to determine your target audience’s preferences, pain points, and interests. 
  3. Choose the right formats: use this new information to choose the types of interactive content formats that align with your goals and audience preferences. 

And then it’s simply a question of creating interactive content that’s engaging and compelling. You can then use it to analyze to refine your strategy, further develop your content, and engage your audience. 

There it is. We hope you’re feeling more confident about kickstarting your B2B interactive content strategy, but if you’d like an extra pair of hands to help you start strong, you know where to find us. Learn more about Skale’s B2B marketing services here. 

B2B Interactive Content FAQs

1. What is B2B interactive content?

B2B interactive content can be engaged with. It’s the opposite of passive content, for example, static online blogs or white papers, and invites users to interact with it. Quizzes, assessments, calculators, and virtual tours are designed to capture the attention of B2B prospects and educate, entertain, and foster customer loyalty. 

2. How can your business use B2B interactive content?

There are numerous ways of leveraging B2B interactive content, for example educating your target audience using interactive webinars or downloadable guides. You can also showcase your product using interactive virtual tours and demos. Additionally, you can create valuable tools, such as personalized calculators, to encourage users to return to your site. 

3. How can you make B2B content interesting?

When it comes to creating interactive content, it’s essential to focus on engaging your specific audience, and providing information of both value and interest to them so that your company stands out. Make it concise, personalize it, incorporate social proof, and tell stories with it.


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